Thursday, August 6, 2009

Strange Summer

This has been a "weird" summer. The weather has been great, but different. Not as hot as usual, which is a good thing, and alot of rain. But that's not it. I think it's me that's weird, not the summer.

I fell leaving a hockey game in Feburary, broke my left elbow, and I've been battling it ever since. Actually the elbow is fine now, but I have developed problems with my shoulder. I've been doing physical therapy forever it seems and exercises at home (which I'm not alway very good at doing), but it's not getting alot better. And.........I'm getting sick of it. Today was D-day. Doctor's appointment and I just knew what the verdict was going to be. A cortisone shot. I hate shots under any circumstances, but I just didn't have a good feeling about this. In fact, I've been panicking about it for days. Well, that's what happened and I've got to tell you..................OUCH!!!! The shot itself really wasn't that bad, if you consider getting a shot with a foot long (well maybe not quite a foot) needle to be "not that bad". It was uncomfortable, but not as bad as I'd imagined. But now, about 4 hours later, it feels like my arm is going to fall off. Actually, I wish it would fall off and then it wouldn't hurt so bad. This had better work!!!!!

And then there's my father-in-law. I think I've mentioned before that I've never been overly fond of him. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice enough guy, but he's always made me feel uncomfortable. He's stares at me all the time and he is terrible to have a conversation with. For one thing he can't hear........but that's all in the past. He passed away yesterday morning. I've lost my dad and one sister, so I know what it's like to lose a close family member, but I wasn't prepared for Michael's tears. I don't think I've ever seen him cry and this was heart breaking. I think he's doing ok now, but yesterday sucked!!!! We have spent alot of time (most of July) driving back and forth to see him in the hospital in Amarillo and that drive is getting old. We'll be doing it one for time next week when we go down for his services. I'm not looking forward to it.

Then there's meeting Michael's 1/2 sister and family for the first time. I've known about her for years, but Michael and Linda had never met her until Milo went into the hospital. I haven't actually met her yet, just talked to her on the phone, but I'm looking forward to it. Michael and Linda both like her alot. Anyway, I finally get to meet her, but I really wish it wasn't at a funeral.

Anyway, put all this together, and it's been a very unsettling summer so far. I'm looking forward to September. Hopefully it will be peaceful.

Well, have a great week and I'll try to be better about posting more often. Just doesn't seem to be enough time.


1 comment:

Nej said...

They give you those exercises for a reason, ma'am. :-)

The arm feeling any better now???