Thursday, August 20, 2009


I told myself and Michael that when our last cat was gone I didn't want another one. I love cats, but we are getting to the point in our lives when we can just come and go as we please. Our last cat, Kit Kat, passed away this summer and although I know Michael missed her terribly, I had absolutely no intention of getting another one. Best laid they say.

Well, a co-worker of Michael's has a cat that she rescued and it, of course, needs a home. I guess we're it. I have been buying things like cat carriers and litter boxes this week getting ready for her arrival. We had actually planned to get her a couple of weeks ago, but with Michael's dad's illness and death things have been delayed.

I haven't even seen a picture of Sugar, but I'm starting to get excited about her coming to live with us. I'll post pictures as soon as I get one.

I guess time will tell if Sugar is excited to live with us.

Have a great day!! :)

1 comment:

Nej said...

Of course he's excited? She's excited? It's excited?