Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Catch-Up Time!!

WOW. In looking back, it would appear that I haven't posted in awhile. 4th of July weekend to be exact. We've been pretty busy since then. We continue to leave our camper at the campground so we can "camphost" on the weekends. This really consists of cleaning the restrooms and showers, stocking the outhouses and answering lots of questions. It's actually alot of fun and we have met some really great people. I was feeling a little sorry for myself on the weekend following the 4th. Michael was back to work and I was handling the work myself and being pretty lonely. Camping neighbors to the rescue. I met the nicest couple camping right next door, and now for the life of me I can't remember their names. It's really embarassing. Anyway, they invited me to share their campfire two different evenings and I really enjoyed the company. They were from Omaha and before they left promised to come back and camp in September when we are camphosts again. They had the coolest dog, Remmy. Golden Retriever who didn't realize how big he was. His favorite place to sleep was on the dash of their motorhome. I wish I would have gotten his picture. Anyway, they left the campground on Tuesday, the same day that Michael left to go to Texas to see his dad again. Milo isn't doing very well and we expect him to pass away in the next month or so. Very sad.

I'm grieving for Michael, who's never lost an immediate family member before. I've lost my dad and my younger sister, so I know what he's going through. My problem is I'm feeling guilty for not grieving for Milo. He's very popular with everyone except me, it seems. I've always found him, well, differnt. I don't know how to talk to him and he makes me very uncomfortable. This is made worse by the fact that he seems to love me very much. I'm having a hard time dealing with the whole situation.

Anyway, on Thursday at work I got a call from Michael and he sounded really bad. I don't think I've ever seen my husband cry but I could hear it in his voice. He asked me to come down to be with him. Jen, Cindy and Tom were heading down on Friday, so I hitched a ride. I don't really like (actually I hate) long car rides, but going with the kids made the trip alot better. They are crazy and they kept me entertained the whole way. I love them Soooooooooooooooooo much and I don't think I tell them that often enough. Anyway, the weekend in Amarillo was difficult. Michael's sister Linda was there when we arrived, but we missed getting to meet his 1/2 sister Nancy. This is another post altogether. We all met with reps from a hospice, which is the next step. To make a long story short, he is dying and there isn't anything that can be done for him. I hope for his sake this goes quickly.

We spent Saturday night at Milo's house in San Jon NM. It is about 80 miles from Amarillo, so joy of all joys, we got back in the car for another drive. Actually, I drove and it went pretty fast. I find the countryside very pretty in a depressing, dusty, dirty sort of way. I COULD NOT LIVE THERE!!!!! Spent some time touring San Jon, which takes about 5 minutes and then headed to bed.

Left for Amarillo @ 6 the next morning and left Amarillo to come home @ 8:30. All day in a car, a Focus to be exact. Yeah!!!!

I have already taken next week off and we will leave to go back down on Tuesday the 28th. We are taking the camper down, so will split the drive up into 2 days. That will be alot better. Having the camper in Amarillo will allow me to have somewhere to go so I don't have to spend 24/7 at the hospice. I think Linda is coming back as well.

Well, I'd better get back to work.

See you soon!!!!!

1 comment:

Nej said...

Taking the camper when you go next time will help immensely. You'll have YOUR place to go. Splitting up the drive will be good too. Plus, you won't be going down and back in three days (ugh!!). :-(

So, you remember the name of the dog, but not the owners??? THAT'S where I get that from. :-)

Grandpa isn't a big conversationalist...and neither are you. So...when you get two people together that aren't big into conversation just get a bunch of quiet.