Saturday, August 22, 2009

The cat has arrived

OK, she's here, the new cat that is, and I'm totally in love. I could hear her as soon as Michael opened the door and she wasn't pleased. Guess she didn't enjoy the car ride at ALL. Well she's going to need to get over that. I intend for her to go places with us. And she had better like camping.
Well, anyway, she's here and appears to have adjusted to her new surroundings already.
Apparently riding in the car makes her sleepy

I have been out this week buying things for her. The necessities like a new litter box (a new type recommended by Jen), a cat carrier, some toys of course and a new food dish.
Pretty fancy!!!!!
She is a very loving cat and I'm covered with the cat hair to prove it. If I sit down she's on my lap or right next to me, which has made typing interesting. I'm glad she finally decided to take a nap.
I bought her a couple of mice, and a ball and she came with a couple of her own toys. Every one of them is already under something. I had forgotten just how much energy a young cat has. She's about a year old and EVERYTHING seems to be a toy. Should be alot of fun.
Well, when she wakes up from her map I think we're going for a drive. She might as well start learning right away that she's going to be mobile. I'll let you know how that works out.
Have a great day :)

1 comment:

Nej said... did the car ride go? She's just going to have to get used it...she'll be a camper cat...yes? :-) :-)