Sunday, December 6, 2009

Puppy Bathing

Ok, so that's kind of a weird title, but I didn't have any better ideas.

One of the things I like most about Thanksgiving, is spending time with my family. This year was no exception.

I got off work early on Wedneaday, 1:30 to be exact and I headed to Jen's to help with preperations. We did alot of stuff including shopping, cooking, setting up tables, a little decorating and dog baths.

Yes, Jen and Tom have 2 adorable Scottish Terriers and they both needed baths. Now that colder weather has hit the midwest, the dogs are spending more time in the house and really needed baths.

Jen took them into the bathroom one at a time and well pictures tell a better story..............

They love their baths!!!!!

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