And we don't have a fire to be delightful.
The first major snow of the season, beautiful coming down, but I hate to miss work.
But, I'm getting ahead of myself. The story actually starts on Friday, so let's start at the beginning.
My company Christmas party was scheduled for Dec. 4th at the Holiday Inn Central in Omaha. I was excited about it, 'cause it's usually alot of fun.
So, I headed to work on Friday and Michael, having the day off, did some chores a home and then headed to the city. He got us a room at the hotel since, well let's face it, it's a long drive home late at night and we'd probably be drinking a bit. We were also taking the kids shopping on Saturday, so staying just made sense. Or so it seemed at the time.
Party................great. Lots of fun, good food, great band, dancing 'til midnight and a good night's sleep.
Up Saturday morning early, went down for breakfast and were ready to head out about 8:30.
Ok, so that's where staying started to seem like a not such a good idea. When I got to my car there was frost on the windowshield, so I turned on the wipers to clear it and....................nothing happened!!!!
That's weird.
An inspection showed...........................wait for it....................................................
No windshield wipers. I mean no wipers, at all!!! Arms and all had been stolen.
I was pissed!!!! Reported it to the hotel, filled out a report and headed to the dealership to get them replaced.
That's when I really got pissed. Couldn't get replacements before Tuesday. And snow was in the forecast.
We went on and spent the rest of the day with the grandkids, shopping, which will be another post, but I was really upset about the car situation.
Well, Monday Michael was still off work so he took me to work, but Tuesday was going to be a challange. I ended up working from home, because the predicted snow had arrived. I already was scheduled to have Wednesday off as our Women's dinner at church was scheduled. Of course, it got cancelled due to the weather.
Things worked out ok though. Michael picked up my new wipers on his way to work on Tuesday and installed them on Wednesday afternoon. I made it to work the rest of the week, so all's well that ends well.
We ended up with about a foot of snow, which was pretty cool. Pictures tell the rest of the story.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!!!