Monday, October 26, 2009

To put it sucked!!!!

Just a quick note on how badly this day sucked!!!

I'm not kidding at all when I say, "I'm really glad this one is over!!" Why? Well it's that old "first day back after vacation" syndrome. You know. The emails stacked up, the boss is in a bad mood, the hot topic of discussion in the facilities world is: When should we clean out the refrigerators and what should be the rules regarding this topic, the shareholders meeting is Thursday and I'm not even close to ready for it, sucky day.

I know tomorrow will be better. I don't think it could possibly be any worse. (I didn't say that out loud, 'cause it just might be)

It was great to get home, sit on my couch and just veg. The best part was my kitty. She sat on my lap all evening and purred for me.

While we were away on "vacation" Sugar spent the week at Jen and Tom's house. She bonded with Tom and wasn't really happy about coming home last night, but tonight, she curled up on my lap and made all the bad stuff go away.


1 comment:

Nej said...

No, you should have seen the look on her face when she saw you walk through our front door!!!!!!!