Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Old Photo Wednesday # 19....Christmas Gifts!!

I've never been a real big Christmas person. I love the music, lights, family and church. But the commercial part has never been my favorite. If it wasn't for Michael, no one in my family would ever get gifts. I'm getting better at the Christmas cards, but I hate shopping. On the other hand, I love getting gifts. I've never really grown up. But just to prove I'm not all bad I want to share my favorite Christmas gift/tradition.
My cousin Scott, started this a few years ago and bless his heart, he continues doing it every year. He goes through the box of OLD family photos and chooses one, makes copies and sends them in his Christmas card. Each year when I open the card it's like opening a door to the past. I LOVE it!!!!!
So, this year when the card arrived, I wasn't disappointed. Actually, this year he sent 4 photos. Can you say "Bonus"????
OK so here they are.

This is my Mom and Dad with my older sister Carol.

This is my dad and my Uncle Jim.

This is my Aunt Velma, my dad and my Aunt Joyce. On the back it says this was taken in 1936.
I think this last one is my favorite. It's my Grandpa Sam and cousin Scott. I don't have very many pictures of my grandpa, and this is a good one.
Hope you had a Happy Holiday Season!!!! :-)

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