Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's That Time of Year Again........

And I don't mean Christmas. It's almost October and that means our annual family reunion campout at Springbrook State Park is just around the corner. This is something I look forward to all year.

This trip actually started at least 45 years ago. I don't remember the exact year, but I was just a kid in grade school. Actually, when we started we weren't going to Springbrook either. The first park we went to was Ledges State Park near Boone IA. My grandmother found Springbrook and we started going there because it was pretty close to being central for everyone who was attending.

Over the years, things have changed. Alot.

It used to be an all day picnic on the second Sunday in October. We picked that date because both my dad and my aunt worked at the local Co-op and we waited until harvest was over. We would drive over, have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the park. Go for hikes, play games, take pictures and have lots of fun.

After my sisters and I got married and had families of our own, we started branching out even more. We invited friends and neighbors to come along.

In the last 10 years or so, it's turned into a weekend campout with a big picnic on Saturday for those that don't camp. The last 4 or 5 years, we've gone over for the whole week.

Now that the family has changed again, some have died, some have moved away, we have started inviting alot of friends and co-workers. We're all just one big happy family at Springbrook.

Some years the weather is great and we have even been known to go swimming or boating, even that late in the season. Some years it's cold and we all huddle around the campfire. You never know what's going to happen, but then, that's all part of the adventure.

So, the trip is just around the corner and it's a little bitter-sweet. I always get so excited, planning the meals and anticipating the fun. But, it's also the last campout of the season and that means putting the camper away until spring. I absolutely LOVE fall, but I hate winter with a passion. Springbrook is just another sign that winter is getting closer.

Well, for now, I'm not going to think about winter and cold and snow and ice. I'm just going to think about the fun, family, friends and food.

So, if you're near Guthrie Center IA the second weekend of October come out to Springbrook and look us up. We're pretty easy to find. We're the ones with tons of food and a HUGE campfire. :-)


Nej said...

You don't HAVE to stop camping then, you know. :-) :-)

Goody Two Shoes said...

I know, but it's usually the late one. I can never talk your dad into going out after that. Too many other things to do I guess.